ドミニク・ミラーはスティングのバンドのギタリストとして常連です。 彼の新しいソロアルバム「サイレント・ライト」はわずか2日で書かれ、真実と抗議について書かれている、と彼はインタビューでドイチェ・ヴェレに語った。
ギタリストのドミニク・ミラーは、スティングの「シェイプ・オブ・マイ・ハート」、フィル・コリンズの「アナザー・デイ・イン・パラダイス」など、多くのヒット曲に関わっています。ローナン・キーティングの「You Say It Best」。彼は20年以上にわたりスティングのライブバンドおよびスタジオバンドの一員として活動してきました。ドミニク・ミラーも同じくらい長い間ソロアーティストとして活動してきました。旅先のアーティスト。最新アルバム『Silent Light』は4月にドイツのレーベルECM Recordsよりリリースされた。
Q:『Silent Light』はドイツのレーベルECMからのファーストアルバムです。 それはどのようにして生まれたのでしょうか?
でも それ以上のことなんだ。一種の哲学なんだ。私の音楽へのアプローチ、私の美学、彼の美学、それはうまくフィットしているようだ。このアルバムはたった2日間でレコーディングした!ECMではそういうものなんだ。私のマネージャーは、そんな風に働きたいかどうか、事前に私に尋ねてきたほどだ。マンフレートをコントロール・フリークと呼ぶ人もいる。でも、私は彼がコントロールフリークだとは思わない。彼は単に達成したいクオリティの基準を持っているだけだ。
Q:あなたはレーベルを "ファミリー "だと言っていますね。ECMはどこが違うのですか?
つまりストーリーがあり、ディレクターが必要なのです。 自分で作ることもできるし、2人の異なる監督に任せることもできます。スピルバーグなら非常に壮大なものにするでしょうし、大げさで、ポランスキーは少し暗く曖昧ですが、それでも物語は同じです。
Q:私の意見では、新しいアルバムはあなたのルーツへの立ち返ったもので非常に多様なものがあり、本質的なものに絞り込まれています。 それとも、アルバムを完成させるまでに2日しか時間がなかったからですか?
Q:古い曲もいくつか再録音しましたね。 当初の意図どおりに聞こえるようになりましたか?
Q:曲はこのアルバムで非常に感情的で、とても感動的に演奏されています。 全体的にシンプルでやや暗めのトーンです。 これは現在を反映しているのでしょうか?
Q:What You Didn't Say "はその良い例だ。間が多い。
Q:なぜアルバム名が「Silent Light」なのか?
DM:これはカルロス・レイガダスの長編映画の名前です。 彼は一種のデザイナーであり、空間に関する仕事をよく行っています。このアルバムのことを考えていたときにこの映画を見れたことが信じられない。
Q:最初にこのアルバムをレコーディングしてから、そのままスティングの新しいアルバム『57th & 9th』のレコーディングに取り掛かったんですね。スティングのニューアルバム。まさにジャンプですね!
“I can protest harmoniously “
Dominic Miller is a regular in Sting's bands as a guitarist. His new solo album "Silent Light" was written in just two days and is about truth and protest, he tells Deutsche Welle in an interview.
Guitarist Dominic Miller has been involved in many hits: "Shape of My Heart" by Sting, "Another Day in Paradise" by Phil Collins. "You Say It Best" by Ronan Keating. For more than 20 years he has been part of Sting's live and studio bands for more than 20 years. Dominic Miller has been a solo artist for just as long. artist on the road. His latest album "Silent Light" was released in April by the German label ECM Records was released.
Q:"Silent Light" is your first album on ECM, a German label. How did it come about?
DM:Dominic Miller: It was completely by chance. I was working on a new album and I think Manfred [Eicher, founder and president of ECM Records] somehow got wind of it.
We met and he signalled his interest in recording the album. He also had a few ideas for the line-up. To make a long story short: I moved in with another family. But actually it's much more than that. It's a kind of philosophy. My approach to music, my aesthetic, his aesthetic - it seems to fit well.
We recorded this album in only two days! That's how it is at ECM. My manager even asked me even asked me beforehand if I wanted to work like that. Some people call Manfred a control freak. I don't think he's a control freak, though. He simply has a standard of quality that he wants to achieve.
The idea of doing something like that in two days is, of course, quite awe-inspiring. He's all about capturing the moment. I'm more used to working in sections and taking my time.
So in this case I had to mentally deal with following completely different rules, whereby "rules" is a somewhat unfortunate word in connection with modern music, but it is somehow part of the philosophy of the label.
Q:You talk about the label as a "family". What is different about ECM?
DM:It really feels like a family. I always wondered: What makes these ECM people tick? Are they all so terribly German? It turned out that you can have fun with them. They are all fun and creative. They know what they're doing. They release a lot of albums and ignore what's happening in the music industry. They just keep going. I like this vibe. At the same time, it was one of the few times where I didn't produce myself. It's like a selfie: you present yourself the way you see yourself, but the producer may see you completely differently.
So you have a story and you need a director. You can either do it yourself or you can take it to two different directors: with Spielberg it would be quite epic and bombastic, with Polanski it would be a bit dark and ambiguous - but it's still the same story.
But it wasn't like the producer changed my story. I had melodies and pieces that the producer didn't edit, but he definitely pushed me into a zone that was unknown to me. A good producer will always take you where he wants you and he will bring out the best in you. But at the same time he also makes it clear to you what monstrous things he is accomplishing - and that is frightening.
Q:In my opinion, the new album is a return to your roots, very sparse and reduced to the essentials. Was it meant to be that way or is that because you only had two days to finish the album?
DM:Yes, but also because I really didn't have much time. Three weeks after I knew I was recording a new album, the studio date was already set.
When I had four or five new songs together,I looked at my repertoire, the songs that I would have liked to have recorded. The pieces I added fit the concept very well.
Q:You have also re-recorded a few older tracks. Do they sound now as they were originally intended?
DM:For example, I was at Rodrigo García's concert, an incredible musician, and I was surprised to see so many virtuoso pianists together in one night, it wasn't possible! (laughs). Me and my manager said it wasn't possible... because I had never heard music like that in one night. And then I went to the Hotel Nacional to enjoy the Aragón, and it was a miracle. That's why I'm so happy to be here.
Q:The songs are played on this album in a very emotional and very moving way. The tunes are simple and the overall mood is somewhat sad. Does it reflect the present?
DM:Yes, very much so. It's a kind of protest.I don't write lyrics, but I observe what's going on in the world.I have an opinion, but I'm a musician, not a politician.I'm not Bono or Bob Geldof or Sting who have a responsibility to speak out.I like the idea that I can protest harmoniously, there are also dissonances and pauses. It's a kind of subliminal protest.
Q:The track "What You Didn't Say" is a good example of this. There are many pauses.
DM:Yes, indeed. It is a colouring book in music. I wanted to create an interactive acoustic dialogue with the listener, aural dialogue with the listener, to engage them, rather than exhaust all my possibilities to articulate.I love the idea of allowing these gaps.
Q:Why is the album called "Silent Light”?
DM:This is the name of a feature film by Carlos Reygadas. He is a kind of designer and works a lot with space.It's incredible that I saw this film when I was thinking about this album.
There are a lot of scenes without dialogue. It's unbelievable that in this day and age where everyone has something to say, and there's fake news and all this nonsense, someone would go and make a film like that. When I saw the film Trump was making a name for himself.
Truth is often in reality a nothing, a void, that's where you find truth. I like the idea of light and silence. I love art. Art inspires me. I live in the south of France, where the light is very light is very special - no wonder Cézanne, Monet and other painters travelled there.This I also wrote this album in silence. I needed a concept before I found melodies. That took a while.
Q:First you recorded this album and then you went straight on to record "57th & 9th", the new Sting album. new Sting album. That's really a jump!
DM:Yes, it was surreal. But I love contrasts and I love the contrast between my career and Sting's career.The two careers absolutely need each other, one doesn't work without the other.
My solo career doesn't work successfully without the mothership. That inspires me a lot.
And conversely, I'm not much use to Sting if I don't go out and do crazy stuff, explore the scene and come back with new ideas. It was brilliant to go straight into Sting's album after working on mine. That was very valuable for him.
Q:That's when you made a fresh start?
DM:Yeah. Neither of us really had any riffs ready. Sting had some tricky ideas, I had some, but it didn't fit. So we just sat down in the studio and jammed. Nothing much happened for days. That's how it is most of the time, people are hesitant, and actually I like that. People don't come in confidently and say, we've done this before, let's do it now like we always do.
That's what I love about Sting. He doesn't like to stick to the usual. He likes it when we feel uncomfortable. The first two days we thought this wasn't going to work. But we weren't worried - we knew it would work out. That's exactly how it was - and with full force! Suddenly one thing followed another, and quite quickly. It inspired Sting that I recorded my album in two days. So there's already a kind of competition between us.
Q:Do you already have ideas for the next album?
DM:Not really, but I already know how it should sound.
That always comes first - the concept. If I don't have that, I don't have anything. There are a lot of albums with ten or eleven great songs, but I don't hear a common denominator.
I love Pink Floyd, I love the concept albums like "Sgt. Peppers" or "Pet Sounds". Everything fits together there.
I just have the sound I'm going for at the moment. I'm thinking drums and acoustic bass. If I have that in mind, then I can start to adjust my composition.